Saturday, August 31, 2019

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was executed in a German prison camp in April 1945, aged only 39 and at a time when the war was almost over. He is generally considered to be a martyr, dying because of his tremendous Christian faith. His life however started out as the youngest son in a large, happy and wealthy family. Although his father was an agnostic Bonhoeffer entered the Lutheran ministry, unlike his brothers who preferred more well paid carers in law and research. With Hitler’s rise to power his church was not prepared to make any stand against him.The seminary, of which he was head, was forced to move underground. At this period he wrote ‘The Cost of Discipleship’ in which he asks the questions ‘How do I live a Christian life in the world? What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus Christ? ’ From that time he became politically active against Hitler, even travelling to America in order to gain support. He soon returns because of his belief that if he is t o take an active role in post-war Germany he must also share the difficulties with his people.He moves from the pacifism of figures such as Mahatma Ghandi, whom he had hope to visit one day to direct action, even taking part in an assassination plot. In 1943, soon after his engagement he is imprisoned. His letters from prison are positive in their nature. Two years later he is moved, first to the concentration camp at Buchenwald, and then to Flossenburg. There he asks to conduct a service for the other prisoners – his texts are Isaiah 53 v 5 which speaks of being healed by Christ, and 1 Peter 1 v 3 which talks of the hope of resurrection. That same day he is taken to his death and to eternal life.

Critical Thinking and Perception Essay

What is real? Our perception of reality is often a product of the environment in which we live. In general, we formulate ideas of reality based on our own experiences as well as the experiences of the people around us. Our lives are influenced constantly by our surroundings. I truly believe that perception is a learned skill and not instinctive. Outside of our communities, television, radio and movies sculpt our perception of the outside world. I think most of my thinking at the ordinary level is based on perception, language, and information. At the most there is one logic step: If this than that. I think most thinking takes place in the perceptual stage. These are the questions that arise, How much do I take in? and how do I look at things? This perception is based on habits of perceptions and what I hear, what I read and how I express myself. I understand that we do not need to use much explicit logic because we have already built the logic into our language. For example, killing is ‘bad’ unless justified by war or self-dense. I know that with decisions I followed what was recommended and what my friends were doing and then rationalized it with the following rationalization: Everyone does this and the stock rises for a while and when the market eventually gets a severe correction I rationalize that as well. This rationalization is based on information–not all-available information but a selection that fits what I was inclined to do anyway. I think that logic can be used to reinforce perceptions (and prejudices) but logic and argument will not change perceptions. Perception is more than sensing; it is processing, reacting, and interpreting. Faith Bryne describes perception as, â€Å"detecting the nature of both outer and inner worlds. In many cases, it also means responding in some way, either consciously or unconsciously.† (Perception, 57) Perception is the way we look at things and I think processing is what we do with that perception. In my view if we take processing for granted then perception becomes even more important, because the way we look at a situation will determine what we can do about it. The influences (family, teachers, religion, race, environment, and economic level) that have shaped or conditioned my identity by instilling values, beliefs, viewpoints or a ttitudes that I have accepted without challenge serves as a perceptual block. The situations in which I am less of an individual because of these influences occur when I refuse to understand someone else’s opinion or look for other points of view because of something I have been conditioned to believe is true. I am not one who handles others opinions without asking for them. I am not very consistent in ensuring that my opinions are informed. Often times I have not taken careful consideration of the evidence and have treated opinions as facts especially if I have expressed it to the point that I have begun to believe it as truth. At times, in what matters most I am inclined to assume too much and take too much for granted. I feel the strongest urge to conform when someone is a positive role model and conforming to this type of behavior I believe adds value. However, a situation in which this conformist tendency has interfered with my judgment is following others because it seemed the lesser of two evils. All to often at the workplace this is how some decisions are made just to close an issue that ultimately will recycle. Additionally, I tend to jump or make hasty conclusions more often than I would like. This occurs more so in the area of personal relationships. I have learned that there ar e some errors and bad habits that can lead to shallow or uncritical decisions instead of careful judgments. I have gained the most insight from the following errors and bad habits, which are: Resistance to change (habits), Conformity, Rationalization, Stereotyping, common sense, Oversimplification, Hasty conclusions, and unwarranted assumptions. I think the real key to each the of errors and habits mentioned above is my being conscious of the tendency to do them and to get into the habit of applying and practicing the different ways or approaches to avoiding the blocks to critical thinking. This will be an ongoing process if I am to be in control of my own beliefs, and to somehow gain an understanding of the truth, then I must know what good reasoning is, and be aware of the ways in which my reasoning (and that of others) can go astray. How I tend to perceive certain situations in my life and how others may see it may not always agree with my thinking. This is a big obstacle that I will have to work on being better at and learning how to understand others perceptions. References Brynie, Faith Hickman. (2001). Perception. Blackbirch Press, Inc. (p 57

Friday, August 30, 2019

Adolescent Psychological Disorder: Depression Essay

Depression is a common psychological disorder which is more likely to be experienced by young people. Although this psychological disorder could be manifested in all age range, studies show that individuals who are in their adolescence to early adulthood stage have greater tendency to feel depress (Costell, Swendsen & Rose, 173, 2008). This disorder is often accompanied by feelings of sadness, despair or hopelessness which eventually causes a person to become isolated among the other individuals. Several issues regarding the frequency of depression occurrence had been studied by researchers. It is said that the rate of depression is determined by the differences in gender, race and ethnicity. This claim suggests that women are more likely to experience depression than men and the same holds regarding the issue of ethnicity and race. Thus, the whites were less to experience depression than the minority (Brown, Meadows & Elder, 1300, 2007). Most of the time sadness and depression is interchangeably used. While it is true that depression is a product of intense sadness, one must know the distinction between these two. As to elaborate a little, the feeling of sadness has less damaging effect and usually last within a short period of time. Individuals learn to let go of this feeling at a much faster phase while people who embrace this feeling for a long time would eventually develop the depression disorder. Two types of depression basically arise, that is, major depression and minor depression (dysthymia). The degree or state of depression varies as an individual ages. The major depression disorder usually last in a short period of time but is basically more severe than the other type. The consequences that depression posed on one’s individuality are essential consideration to be reflected on. Most of these consequences are harmful and can bring damaging effect to the life of an individual thus thorough understanding of this psychological disorder would impose a great advantage. Causes of Depression Occurrence of depression is brought by numerous factors. Events, people, the environment as well as genetic factors contribute to the incidence of depression. In this paper, three causes of depression from different studies conducted would be discussed. Some of these causes of can eventually be modified while some are not liable to change. Nutrition was viewed to have a vital contribution to depression. (Shariatpanaahi et al, 532, 2007). It is established that the mental and cerebral mechanisms are being affected due to nutrient deficiencies therefore resulting to mood disorders including depression. Prevalence of Iron deficiency anemia was viewed to have certain contribution to depression. The study conducted by Shariatpanaahi and his colleagues looked at the association between serum ferritin level and depression. Their study resulted that students who are experiencing depression have lower serum ferritin level than the healthy ones (Shariatpanaahi et al, 534, 2007). With reference to the result generated, lower serum ferritin level which indicates minimal presence of iron in the body was viewed to have a vital role in the brain function and in the establishment of depression. The stressful experience of college freshmen to their new environment inside the learning place could also trigger depression. Being in an unfamiliar environment is a stressful event that brings a sense of discomfort (Dyson and Renk, 1231, 2006). Accompanying this feeling of discomfort is the change on depression symptomatology that they experience. Being in their transition stage towards adulthood, stress and depression were showed to be greatly triggered. Race and ethnicity is also viewed for depressive symptoms to occur. The study conducted by Brown and his colleagues (2007) resulted that different race-ethnic groups (including Hispanics, Asians, Blacks and whites) shows different level of depressive symptoms. In their study, the whites showed the lowest level of such symptoms while the Hispanics and Asians showed the highest. The level of depressive symptoms among the blacks falls between the whites and the two other race-ethnic groups (1300). Explanation for the occurrence of such depressive symptoms are said to be interconnected with the mental health and stressful experiences of these different minority groups. The location or condition of the Hispanics, Asians and Blacks in the society greatly contributes to their depression. Most of these groups, as well as their family, belongs to the lower class in the society thus receiving minimal benefits in terms of health care and tends to dwell in neighborhoods which are characterized as unsafe (Brown, Meadows & Elder, 1298, 2007). Upon the exposure of these race-ethnic groups to these conditions, the depression disorder develops and is heightened. Symptoms of Depression Basically the most obvious symptom of depression is an intense feeling of sadness manifested most of the time. Different symptoms are expressed by individuals in different age brackets as well as different instances or conditions of these individuals in the society. Taking in consideration the study conducted by Brown and his colleagues, symptoms of depression manifested by the race-ethnic minority includes anxiety and a sense of inferiority (Brown, Meadows & Elder, 1307, 2007). For new colleges trying to be familiar and adapting to their new environment, behaviors including a depressed mood or sadness most of the time (being away from their parents), irritability, inability to enjoy things and inability to concentrate are apparent (Dyson and Renk, 1234, 2006). Other symptoms that are most likely associated with depression includes withdrawal from friends and family, significant weight loss or gain, change in sleep patterns, pessimism and indifference, feeling tired, feeling numb emotionally and the worst is entertaining the thought of death or suicide. Effects of the Disorder Depression, if not given thorough attention could bring the worst effect to an individual. How an individual responds to the feeling of depression determines the effect of the disorder in his actions (Nolen-Hoeksema, 569, 1991). The feeling of depression is more likely to bring about negative thoughts in an individual’s mind. With these thoughts in mind, negative emotions would also be triggered. Entertaining such thoughts and emotions would bring distraction in one’s health, education, work and relationship with other people. Adolescence performance in school tends to decline as a result of depression (Dyson and Renk, 1234, 2006). Because of their inability to concentrate or focus on the lessons being thought in the learning place, their grades used to decline. Academic failures, school dissatisfaction as well as negative relationship with teachers and other students may take place. Depressed individuals seem to be pre-occupied with their thought of being depressed therefore interfering with their capability to think critically, perform well and socialized with other individuals in the learning place. Such scenario is true in the work place. Because of the disorder, individuals are more likely to be out of focus on their work thus they are more likely to accomplish lesser job (or they do not accomplish anything at all) within a given period. This type of behavior in the workplace would bring unwanted effects on the part of the individual as well as in the company. This could also lead to an individual’s dismissal in the job. Again, such dismissal would only trigger further depression and could bring forth to a worst event. Depressed individuals also shows attitude of wanting to be alone. Sharing one’s frustration (which eventually causes the prevalence of depression) with his family is sometimes hard to do. This ultimately contribute to a reduce interaction and may develop poor family relationship. Sometimes, depressed adolescent causes negative confrontation between parents as well as between siblings. Psychiatric hospitalization can also occur among adolescence if the level of depression is severe (Herman and Ostrander, 484, 2007). Some depressed individuals tend to be engaged in accidents in roads. They tend to drive recklessly thus resulting to several body impairments (Nolen-Hoeksema, 570, 199). Such action of reckless and violent driving is a means to pour out the feeling of depression. However, Nolen-Hoeksema argued that the relief from depression through this action is only for a short run. Coping up with Depression Several therapies and combination of these therapies are being suggested by psychologists as well as doctors to cope up with depression. In the study conducted by Nolen-Hoeksema, 570, 1991), she suggested the used of distractive response as a way to cope up with depression. In this response, adolescence experiencing depression are encourage to draw their attention to other things such as engaging in activity with friends or doing a hobby. In this way, Nolen-Hoeksema hypothesized that an individual would tend be distracted and would somehow overcome his feeling of depression. Guidance and support of family members (especially support from mothers) is also a means to help adolescence to cope up with depression. The multi family group approach (Lemmmens et al, 51, 2007) is greatly encouraged. This approach is concern to provide the needs of the patient and also guides the family to stand the difficulties of depression that are experience by the family as a whole. Fostering interaction between the patient and members of his family would put the patient at ease. Recognizing the fact that his family is there to support him and guide him all through out would lessen his burden and would therefore aid in treating depression. Cognitive therapy was also studied to aid in the treatment of depression (Beevers and Miller, 68, 2005). The result of there study shows that the used of mentioned therapy ‘may help patients to deal more functionally to their negative thoughts. ’ As stated on the discussion regarding the effects of depression, negative thoughts are said to be the driving force in which depression arises. Effectively managing these negative would lessen the occurrence of the disorder. This type of approach or therapy is basically more of prevention rather than treatment. Nevertheless, its efficiency in the control of depression is noteworthy. Conclusion  Depression is brought about by several factors faced by an individual in the society. Although this psychological disorder is somewhat inevitable and is said to be a common disorder, prevention and treatments should be provided. As to any other physical or psychological diseases, severe state of depression could bring unwanted and detrimental effect to the individual himself as well as to other people. Manifestation of symptoms of this psychological disorder must be taken in deep consideration. The stage of adolescence undeniably entails a lot of stress that could somehow cause an individual to incur depression. Adolescents are vulnerable to changes because different emotional as well as physiological activities are happening within their body. It is therefore important to be considerate and out lay the necessary actions to guard the adolescents to the threats of depression. Involvement of parents and other family members in preventing and treating the said disorder is greatly encourage. Other therapies should also be considered as a treatment for this disorder. Thorough understanding of the causes, symptoms and treatments of depression would be of great significant. The harm that this disorder imposes to adolescents is truly alarming. Its effects on the individual’s well-being and activities are disturbing. Psychologists together with other medical researchers are continuously finding ways to lessen the occurrence of this disorder. Thus, in order for their efforts to efficiently work, a collaborative support from the society is needed. The society should not undermine the effects of depression but instead thorough knowledge regarding this disorder as well as the harm that accompanies it must be explained and made clear.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Internet Banking - Computers and Internet Essay

Internet Banking - Computers and Internet - Essay Example So the current research empirically investigated the future of Internet banking, through semi-structured, convergent, in-depth interviews and successive stages of this study. At this stage of the paper, the role of the interviews will be outlined and then the nature of this facility will be explained. The objective of this dissertation is to ascertain the perceptions and attitudes to Internet banking usage amongst universities students of the Edinburgh; in particular focusing on the uncertainty associated with the usage. The data collected was primarily quantitative in nature with the questionnaire questions being mostly close ended leaving no scope for divergent and qualitative responses. Though some specific and limited questions were left specifically for qualitative responses; however these were mainly utilized in obtaining concluding impressions of respondents. Three main data sets were collected from respondents pertaining to awareness, understanding and approval of Internet banking. Each data set was comprised of two or three questions in order to obtain an established view of the respondent in respect of the data set or aspect of usage of Internet banking. ... The chief variables concerned basic awareness of Internet banking, knowledge of various possibilities of usage of Internet banking and the factors that promoted/discouraged usage of Internet banking. Questionnaire sought to collect data in respect of these variables. 3.5 Statistical Procedures Results are analyzed with the help of Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS 11.0) using standard statistical tests and analysis procedures. The values of variables we will give in the results are means and standard deviations throughout. The overall indexes and factor scales are calculated and examined using demographic comparisons and other techniques. Exploratory statistics such as cross tabulation with Chi-Square tests, frequency histograms, and pie charts can calculate to better understand the results. Other statistical analyses included Univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA), based on the General Linear Model (GLM), and calculation of confidence intervals. For all statistical significance tests, a 95% confidence level was working. Such analyses are relatively objective. The following presents a summary of results from all sources and identifies key strategic prospects and recommended actions. In keeping with the triangulation method, we point out significant similarities and differences in findings across sources. For some issues, data are not available from all sources. There are two methods, which are mainly used in researches, and these two methods are: 1. Qualitative research method 2. Quantitative research method In this study, quantitative approach was flexibly so that this approach is use over here. But

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Summarize Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Summarize - Essay Example The report cited several important in the findings of the 2008 survey. First, financial fraud still constitutes the largest and most expensive cybercrime and security incidents. Here, it was found that an average of $500,000 was lost to those who have experienced fraud. Secondly, virus incidents still dominate the computing and networking community. The report, for instance, found that 49 percent of the respondents have experienced it for the past year. Then there is also the case of bots and malwares, which costs organizations around $350,000 to eliminate. Other cases of threats include theft of hardwares such as laptops and mobile devices and insider abuse of networks, breaches in security such as unauthorized access, website defacement, system penetration, password sniffing and sabotage. The findings of the survey, compared to that of last year, reflected a downward trend in cybercrimes and attacks on computer security. This could be attributed to the increase in security efforts of organizations. The study found that at least 68 percent of organizations have a security in place; 18 percent are developing theirs; while only one percent does not have a security policy. Furthermore, IT security budget still constitutes a significant share in the security budget for organizations in 2008. In regard to solving cybercrimes, the CSI survey reported that while most organizations attempt to identify the perpetrators, only 27 percent report the incidents to law enforcement agency or has been referred to legal counsel. In addition, organizations are also more averse to be involved in information sharing in order to solve computer and networking threats. According to the survey, the future computing and networking problems, as with the past two years, still concern issues about virus, malware, security, legal issues. The CSI, in its conclusion identified two kinds of threats that must addressed: the actual threats and the developing

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Integrated Marketing Communication Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Integrated Marketing Communication - Assignment Example f the products which need to be addressed through effective advertising and marketing methods or channels that may influence customers’ purchase behavior. The integrated marketing communication that employs flexible tools becomes vital ingredient of market strategies for marketers. The alternatives methods of marketing evolve as powerful facilitators for reaching target customers and positively impacting their views about the products and services. Integrated marketing programs exploit changing consumer behavior by identifying and evaluating their changing preferences across diverse populace. In global marketing, the adaptation approach analyses local demand and uses appropriate marketing tools and methods to influence customers’ purchase behavior. Globally integrated marketing communication coordinates and integrates broad range of tools, avenues and sources into ‘seamless program to maximize impact on customers and stakeholders’ (Clow & Baack, 2011). Accountability and responsibility of the local marketing managers becomes highly crucial factor in international businesses who need to evaluate and identify local demands and marketing tools, including channels that impact customers. The success of the integrated marketing program across the globe is gauged through feedback and other ways like online surveys, revenues etc. when applied for different countries where the cars are sold. (words:

Monday, August 26, 2019

Marketing Little Known destinations the island of Saaremaa, Estonia Essay

Marketing Little Known destinations the island of Saaremaa, Estonia - Essay Example One key question that needs to be addressed when thinking of the marketing efforts is whether to prioritize their marketing efforts at the established markets or look at newer markets such as distant European countries. As per the context established by the case, the tourism industry is changing very rapidly. The tourists are much more open to traveling to distant places to discover new and little known, but exotic destinations (Yong, 2006). Therefore, with regard to Saaremaa, the marketing efforts should be prioritized to build new markets. Europe is well known for exotic and small destinations and hence, the level of competition is high. Therefore, to attract customers from a new market, it is necessary to have a high focus on building the brand, ensuring sustainability as well as in targeting the right market segment. For example, Saaremaa is famous for its natural beauty, its rich history as well as the sweet-sour bread and beer. Hence, the brand Saaremaa for tourism should adequ ately encompass these different aspects. The initial marketing efforts can center on advertising Saaremaa to create awareness and the subsequent efforts can center on introducing specific theme related holidays such as an exotic theme that centers on the sweet-sour bread and beer in the food category or a historical theme holiday destination. Focusing on new markets will also make the destination popular among a wider set of customers who have various preferences of holidays and hence, it would open Saaremaa’s uniqueness to customers who prefer such destinations. However, it should be ensured that any steps of market expansion should not result in overcrowding. In addition, any word of mouth marketing may already work in the existing markets which will ensure that there is a steady flow of tourists from the already established markets. Therefore, prioritizing the new market will bring in customers from newer markets and at the same time, the customers from the existing market s will continue to visit because of the existing efforts and word of mouth (Holloway, 2004). 2. Should Saaremaa improve access by ferry or plan on the construction of a bridge to the mainland, as a means of expanding tourism? Or, conversely, should the island authorities aim to limit the appeal of the island in its existing isolation, by aiming to boost income from a smaller base of visitors to this island destination? One of the highlights of Saaremaa is how it is exotic and little known, but extremely beautiful and a perfect holiday get away. Therefore, on one hand it is important to build the tourism sector, it should be done in such a way that the pristine surroundings are not disturbed and the serenity of the place is not at risk because of overcrowding. Therefore, to sustain this exoticness and serenity, it is necessary to ensure that the place does not degrade in standard because of overcrowding. Overcrowding may mean more revenue because of increased crowd influx, but it als o can result in pollution, higher crime rates, more buildings and development (Doan, 2000). It can also mean that the natural beauty as well as tourist spots no longer provides peace and tranquility, thereby taking away the charm from the place. Hence, it is recommended that appeal of the island should be maintained by ensuring that there is some amount of isolation. In such cases, the challenge is how to improve the tourism industry without

Sunday, August 25, 2019

A Public Relations Plan of Blackberry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

A Public Relations Plan of Blackberry - Essay Example Moreover, the ailing complementary PlayBook tablet. But one of BlackBerrys major strengths has all the time been information security. As written by enterprise mobile security expert Lisa Phifer, the BlackBerry OS includes a thorough collection of original security capabilities, for instance strong support for password security, AES encryption of data embedded on the device, automatic remote wiping and integrated data transport safeguard, all easily managed through flexible policies via BlackBerry Enterprise Server. At the moment, consumerization of IT has worn out what once was the BlackBerrys point of strength in enterprise (Pople & Turnbull, 2012). BlackBerry security has assumed a backseat to competitor`s flash and functionality, as most users are more concerned with introducing sexy back to devices in their pockets and also needing a solo device for both personal and business use (Tench & Yeomans, 2009). Most enterprise security teams, a few pressured by their executives, have tacitly permitted these mobile devices into their networks, opting to look the other way instead of identifying and addressing security problems these hugely unchecked devices present (Du, 2000). Now the security worry on consumer-centric mobile devices has become impossible for Blackberry to ignore and this is what warrants the establishment of public relation plan. Blackberry considers its target market to be people who are hyper-socially connected as well as true multi-taskers who require getting staffs done. In simple terms, Blackberry believes this is approximately a third of the entire available market globally. The company believes this target audience needs both a professional and Personal balance with simplicity. I’d also bet most of the users need this. For the past two months, close to 50 million new Android and iOS users have registered to exploit the company`s messaging service, BBM. So as to reach out

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Corporate Investment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Corporate Investment - Essay Example Some of the junk bonds are very profitable but they have the highest risk for investment losses. Individuals and corporations must carry out appropriate risk management when purchasing bonds. The issuer make announcement that bonds are to be issued. Usually, the bond is associated with a face value that is redeemed when it is sold by the purchaser in open market. The bond is issued at a value less than the face value, the difference is the profit for the purchaser. The underwriter takes its commission also. Once the purchaser buys the bond, he/she can sell it in the open secondary market or can keep it till maturity when full face value of the bond will be returned by the issuer. If bond is traded before maturity, the selling price is lower than the face value to accommodate profits for the next purchaser. Though bond and stock markets operate separately, yet stock market does have an impact on bond market. The company whose shares are trading at premium in stock market has a better chance to get its bonds purchased by many purchasers. Also, they are in a position to sell bonds at a higher discount rate to minimize its own losses when the bond face value is to be returned at the time of maturity. A company that is not doing well on stock market also faces difficulty in selling its bonds in bond market. I think lower taxes on dividend and ca... A company that is not doing well on stock market also faces difficulty in selling its bonds in bond market. PART 2 Data: 500 shares at $30 per share = $15,000 Initial Margin requirements = 55% = (15000)(0.55) = $8,250 Hence, Loan amount = 15,000 - 8,250 = $6,750 Interest payment = 13% = (6750)(0.13) = $877.5 Dividends received = $1 per share = $500 (for 500 shares) 1. Sold stock for $40 per share: Total earnings from sale = (500)(40) = $20,000 Total earnings + dividends = 20,000 + 500 = $20,500 Total expenses = $878 Net earnings = $19,622 Hence, rate of return = (19,622 - 8,250) / 8,250 Rate of Return on investment = 137.84% 2. Sold stock for $20 per share: Total earnings from sale = (500)(20) = $10,000 Total earnings + dividends = 10,000 + 500 = $10,500 Total expenses = $878 Net earnings = $9,622 Hence, rate of return = (9,622 - 8,250) / 8,250 Rate of Return on investment = 16.66% 3. Cash Purchases: (i) Sold stock for $40 per share: Total earnings from sale = (500)(40) = $20,000 Total earnings + dividends = 20,000 + 500 = $20,500 Total expenses = $15,000 Net earnings = $5,500 Hence, rate of return = 5,500 / 15,000 Rate of Return on investment = 36.67% (ii) Sold stock for $20 per share: Total earnings from sale = (500)(20) = $10,000 Total earnings + dividends = 10,000 + 500 = $10,500 Total expenses = $15,000 Net earnings = ($4,500) Hence, rate of return = (4,500) / 15,000 Rate of Return on investment = -30% PART 3 I think lower taxes on dividend and capital gains can enhance economic development. This is because if taxes are low, the individuals are able to save

Friday, August 23, 2019

Describe how a torque wrench relates to automotive physics Essay

Describe how a torque wrench relates to automotive physics - Essay Example This force is created the same way as the force is applied at a distance in a typical torque wrench. The horsepower of the vehicle can then be determined from the torque produced. The more torque produced by an engine, the more potential it has and an increase in torque results in an increase in acceleration. Torque is also very important in the braking system of the automobiles. When the brakes are applied, the road surface exerts a backward force on the wheels and this result in a clockwise torque that causes backward acceleration. In the design of the braking system, torque is a function of the wheel radius and for a full circle braking system, When a moving car is braked, the surface of the road exerts a backward force that acts on the wheels and this result in a clockwise torque that causes backward acceleration therefore stopping the vehicle. Manufacturers of in the tires industry must design tires that are capable of withstanding this friction without causing tear on the

Pearl Harbour Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Pearl Harbour Paper - Essay Example During this attack, nearly 2,400 Americans lost their lives. Japanese sources confirmed that they only lost less than 70 service men (Hixson 103). After these attacks, the future of Japan remained on the balance due to possible retaliations by US and its European allies. This essay will investigate the implication of the attacks on America and the Japanese empire. The essay will also investigate how the attack inspired America into joining World War II. Japan had aggressive interests in Asia and therefore it considered America as a major threat. Before the attacks, America had established strong military bases in the pacific off the coast of Japan that were intended to protect American interest in Asia and the pacific. Just before Japan carried out the attacks, the US navy posed a major threat to the Japanese interests on Dutch Indies and Malaya. Japan was intending to invade the two regions due to the availability of natural resources such as oil and rubber. The surprise attacks on the US military bases were therefore, meant to neutralize US power in the pacific and pave way for Japanese advancement. The Japanese decision to carry out the attack was wise and tactical. This is because America was overwhelming Japan with its continued invasion of eastern territories. America had occupied or controlled all territories that were of Japanese interest. These included the Philippines, Dutch Indies and China. The attack was the easiest way that Japan could have applied to divert America’s attention concerning its occupation of Pacific territories. America was exporting oil to Japan before the Japanese decided to attack the Pearl Harbor, this was a tactical method of controlling Japan. America could not conduct a direct occupation of Japan as it had done in other territories. Oil exportation was the only method that the US could have applied to control Japan (Hixson 123). This is evident from most negotiations that were conducted between the two powers. When Jap an intended to invade French Indochina, America threatened Japan with withdrawal of oil export. This indicates that Japan really needed to break away from overdependence on American oil. Japan was also experiencing a massive expansion in its industrial and military sector. The country therefore needed uncontrolled supplies of oil and other raw materials. If Japan had not invaded US installation at the Pearl Harbor, it would never become an energy independent nation. The US stopped exporting oil to Japan in 1941 following Japanese expansions into China that were motivated by the pearl harbor attacks. After the US ceased its oil exports, Japan looked for other alternatives to get its oil supplies and its long journey of becoming an independent nation in terms of energy. Competition over dominance also made the US and Japan to become major rivals. Analysts believe that rivalry between Japan and the US had reached a breaking point even before Japan carried out its attacks on the US faci lities. Japanese provocative moves in China and Philippines had made the US to secretly plan for war against Japan. Although the US was getting ready for war against Japan, they never believed that Japan would have interests in attacking the Pearl Harbor. If Japan had not attacked the Pearl Harbor, the US could have used the facility to carryout offensive on Japanese soil. In such case

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Five Factors of Operation Management Essay Example for Free

The Five Factors of Operation Management Essay 1.0Executive Summary There are four operation objectives in Penang Mutiara which is quantity, speed, dependability and flexibility. Quantity is the number of goods or services. This article, I illustrate the way the hotel management, strategy and long-term strategy to promote the hotel. 2.0 Introduction Mutiara Beach Resort Penang heralds a new standard for Asian resort hotels. Located on a prime beachfront at Teluk Bahang, otherwise known as the glowing bay, it nestles in 7.3 hectares (18 acres) of landscaped tropical greenery. All 438 of its spacious rooms enjoy sea and garden views. Here in this paradise of comfort and luxury, it has been claimed that nothing is unusual. The name Mutiara means pearl and is also a term of endearment in the Malay language. A perfect description for an extraordinary resort with a lively Malaysian personality. Manned by a team of innovative and experienced staff, Penang Mutiaras service reflects Meritus Hotel Resorts efficiency and tradition of friendly hospitality.[1] 3.0Competitve Priorities of the Organization and Business Level Strategy This part of the strategy used to manage stress Wernie Pearl Hotel in Penang. How to implement the strategy, and making the hotels long-term strategy. 3.1 Make sure that the way he manages the hotel is appropriate to the way it competes for business Penang Mutiara, being one of the most prestigious hotels in Penang, has managed to secure a foothold in this lucrative and highly competitive environment. Wernie has the vision and very clear focused beliefs about the importance of running an effective operation where customers have every right to demand for first class service which they are obliged to provide for. For get a biggest development and get more success, Penang Mutiara has to: Expand its business in other areas to acquire more market shares against other high-class and strong competitors in the whole Asia region, or even in the world. Offer the differentiation, high standard quality and characteristic hotel services, and comfortable environment for customers. Pitch itself as an up-market end hotel business that targets customers are those who are high income and high consuming individuals, and the high class business and political unions or organizations. 3.2 Implement any change in strategy Through concessions and travel companies, marine theme park and Wildlife Park and other business alliances, film companies, golf or car clubs, hotels, is tourism, entertainment, commercial exploitation, and a set consisting relaxation. Complete basic services such as transport line services; wireless Internet access. A variety of services, such as the provision to meet different customers different needs of holiday travel package; season meeting market different packages; a variety of food types. The registration form and who can provide more free services or the price of the latest promotions and receive a loyal member of the consumer. Expand existing business to developing e-business; alliance other hotels in other areas. 3.3 Develop his operation so that it drives the long-term strategy of the hotel Building and developing hotel website, including introduction of hotel services, traffic map, resource and promotion information, booking on line, requirement and feedback of customer, online payment; Develop Statistical Process control (SPC) for measuring the service quality, rates of customers satisfaction and complaint, cost controlling, deciding for new services which match with customers changing demands; Develop a top-down strategy to reflect what the hotels vision and mission, changing strategies, requirement. Building an automatic system to improve reliable and speed that ensuring JIT for collecting correct information of customer requirement, conveniently e-pay, delivering and exchanging information for corresponding with each departments, ensuring security; Offer continual training for staff to improve the standard quality of services, English and foreign languages speaking, handling these new automatic system and internet using; Adding the advertisement through TV, internet, high-income reader journal or fashion magazines and newspaper; Keeping and developing a high standard quality and low cost supply chain which including ensuring purchasing at the right quality, fast delivery, retaining flexibility, right prices; collecting and utilizing resources form internet or global; building physical distribution management and internet; keeping a high quality materials; building a good relation ship with suppliers. 4.0 How five performance objectives might have internal benefits? 4.1 Quality Quality is placed first in our list of performance objectives because many authorities believe it to be the most important. There are two important points to remember when reading the section on quality as a performance objective. The external affect of good quality within in operations is that the customers who ‘consume’ the operations products and services will have less (or nothing) to complain about. And if they have nothing to complain about they will (presumably) be happy with their products and services and are more likely to consume them again. This brings in more revenue for the company (or clients satisfaction in a not-for-profit organization). 4.11 Quality increases dependability Good quality leads to stable and efficient processes that less mistake, easy for coordination for matching the standard of processes, dependable and advanced equipments and tools to use adds dependability for internal customers,. 4.12 Quality reduces cost It reduces cost for Mutiara due to it is fewer the chance to make mistakes. First it saves the time to sort out the problem, redoing or correcting mistakes, or to reducing confusion or irritation for each people; second, it also reduces the labor cost. Dispelling some serious troubles or problem always needs more staffs or more time to do it, thus, it results in the labor cost added, such as part-time salary, overtime compensation. The more minimizing mistake, the more minimize the excess labor costs to pay for doing excess works; third, less mistake and using top-class and durable materials also result in saving expenditures such as maintaining fee, cost of materials resulted by mistakes , transporting fees, and other excess expenditures. 4.2 Speed Speed is a shorthand way of saying ‘Speed of response’. It means the time between an external or internal customer requesting a product or service, and them getting it. Again, there are internal and external affects. Externally speed is important because it helps to respond quickly to customers. Again, this is usually viewed positively by customers who will be more likely to return with more business. Sometimes also it is possible to charge higher prices when service is fast. The postal service in most countries and most transportation and delivery services charge more for faster delivery. 4.3 Dependability Dependability means ‘being on time’. In other words, customers receive their products or services on time. Externally (no matter how it is defined) dependability is generally regarded by customers as a good thing. Certainly being late with delivery of goods and services can be a considerable irritation to customers. Especially with business customers, dependability is a particularly important criterion used to determine whether suppliers have their contracts renewed. So, again, the external affects of this performance objective are to increase the chances of customers returning with more business. Internally dependability has an affect on cost. See the figure below: [pic] 4.31 Dependability gives stability Dependability fixes the time and costs overcoming the disruption, enhancing the trust for planning works and collaborating with each operation. 4.31Dependability saves money Ineffectively arrangement will translate extra cost. Reliability arrangement reduced duplication of resources or inputs left some unused resources to maintain or increase storage costs, labor costs or opportunity costs. 4.4 Flexibility This is a more complex objective because we use the word ‘flexibility’ to mean so many different things. The important point to remember is that flexibility always means ‘being able to change the operation in some way’. 4.4.1 Flexibility saves resources According to the specific conditions of the objects or actions and resources re-arrangements can sometimes prevent the unnecessary duplication of planning, consumption and use of resources, such as time, capital, labor, the traditional way of doing things to do. 4.4.2 Flexibility increase speed of response Being able to give fast service for customers depends on the operation being flexible. Flexible operations speedily transfer extra skilled staff and equipment to the urgent conditions and emergencies will provide the fast service with other operations needs. 4.5 Cost Cost means do things cheaply. To Mutiara hotel, it means keeping an appropriate cost for keeping the operations effective running. All of other objectives affect cost. Flexible operations leads to quickly make changes or decisions for changing conditions and overcomes disrupting the other operation. Flexible operation inside can also change tasks timely without wasting time and capacity. Speedy operations cuts down the in-process inventory level and also saving the cost of administrative overheads. High-quality operations prevents wasting time, re-do things, or flowed service which would be inconvenient for internal customers. Dependable operation protects the normal orders dont be confusion by any unwelcome surprises on internal customers. It ensures delivery exact and reliable. This limits uneconomical disruption and improves the efficiency of micro operations. 5.0 Conclusion Penang Pearl article Wernie hotel management business management model is a typical example. we can find a companys operating performance on quality, speed, reliability, flexibility, and cost five goals. And how to use the correct management and planning strategy to manage the company more perfect. The operation objective is the way how the hotel operates on certain intention. Usually these objectives are used to cover mistakes or to solve problems within the hotel premises. Especially when the objectives is to meet the customers needs. The action that is taken is the way to solve the problems of certain criteria will be trained to the staff of the hotel.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Effect of Alcoholic Parent on Child

Effect of Alcoholic Parent on Child Behavioral Problems in Children with Alcoholic Parents Introduction Children tend to have behavioral problems when they have an alcoholic parent or parents. There are studies that link children of alcoholics to be at a higher risk of behavior problems, mental and physical health problems, social problems, and substance abuse problems later in life (Christensen, 2000 p.219 and Vernig, 2011 p.536). Alcoholism is a big issue when it comes to the development of children because some alcoholics tend to miss their children’s events, not be around all the time, or are too drunk to be mentally present. Children are also impressionable at young ages and tend to follow in their parents footsteps which is why children, especially young ones, need parents who are good, strong role models that set good examples and teach them. Alcoholic parents probably struggle in this department and set bad examples of how to cope with certain aspects of life. Children see this and act accordingly while developing many issues of their own throughout childhood and adultho od. The behavior of alcoholic parents has a huge impact on the way their children behave. Children of alcoholics have trouble with social situations and often have to do more help to keep the family together than normal families. They usually try to get attention, struggle in school, and are much more prone to mental and physical illnesses. Alcoholic parents often are associated with being absent in their children’s lives, whether they physically are not around, or they are mentally not around. This causes children to act out for attention. That could include getting into trouble at school, acting out at home, or other forms of acting out for attention. Parents who are absent because of their alcoholism cause their children to become important roles in the house to help out the â€Å"enabler† or the nonalcoholic parent, according to Peter Vernig (2011). Peter Vernig also states that oldest child often steps up to help the other parent. This causes issues mentally, physically, and socially with the child later in life. The entire family suffers from the parent’s habits (Vernig, 2011 p.535). Children other than the eldest child suffer as well, maybe to get attention from their siblings, or either parent. The other children in the family have their own roles and each has its own problems. For example, one often receives the least amount of attention and feels rejected because this child is often overlooked which causes mental illnesses from being neglected. The youngest child is typically a distraction from the heavy feelings of the family issues. Intelligence is not highly expected in this child. The second eldest child is used to draw attention away from the issue at hand. This child is the most prone to legal trouble, trouble in school, and they are most likely to be drug and alcohol abusers of all the children in a family. (Vernig, 2011 p.535-537) These categories break down which child is most likely to develop certain issues over the other children. Body One of the biggest problems with children of alcoholics is that they tend to be more prone to mental illnesses. Many children struggle with hyperactivity problems, anxiety, depression, low self esteem, and psychosomatic reactions (Christensen, 2000 p.219).   These emotional problems are a result of their parent’s actions. These children grow up seeing their parent in situations that create added stress for them. The parent may or may not be abusive, or may be absent for important things. Maybe the parent even argues with their children over certain matter that influence less support (Barerra, 1993 p. 603). This can lower the child or childrens’ self esteem. Low self esteem leads to or can lead to real mental health problems such as depression or anxiety. These children are much more likely to have substance abuse problems early in life. Some of the reasoning behind that is the genetics of mental health disorders, such as alcoholism, but some of it is because children with anxiety and depression can turn to drugs and alcohol to cope (Puttler 1998, Serec 2012, Vernig 2011).   Children of alcoholics’   mental health problems create issues for them not only during childhood, but also later in life (Vernig 2011, Serec 2012, Puttler 1998, Eiden 2009, Sher 2007). Their adulthoods often include some form of substance abuse often caused by their mental health problems. Alcoholics typically also have depression or anxiety of some form (Eiden 2009).   Children of alcoholics feel neglected because their parent or parents do not always pay attention to them, or they have to give up being a child in order to replace the support of their alcoholic parent. The oldest child steps up, while the younger children begin to feel neglected and ignored. These children act out and develop these mental problems as a result of the little attention they are paid. In early stages of development these children need more attention and care and often do not receive it. This causes anxiety, depression, and hyperactivity disorders (Eiden 2009, Vernig 2011, Puttler 1998). Physical illnesses are common in children of alcoholics just as the mental illnesses are. Children in these situations tend to become more prone to illnesses, especially in earlier childhood stages like infants, toddlers, preschool age, and middle school ages. These children need a lot of support, love, and help from their parents and lack of their basic needs causes more physical illnesses to occur. They need to be taken care of and given lots of attention. Studies show that alcoholic parents possess lower quality parenting skills than those of nonalcoholic parents (Eiden 2009). Children in preschool or of preschool age are 65% more likely to come down with illnesses such as colds and coughs more than other children. They are also more likely to have allergies and anemia or to be over or under weight   (Serec, 2012). Due to the poor parenting skills of alcoholic parents, children at young stages are more at risk to be hospitalized for their illnesses or injuries. They are more likely to spend more days in the hospital, need more medical treatment, and get more injuries than children without alcoholic parents (Serec, 2012). These children are not treated properly at home, or not as well as they should be taken care of. Physical illnesses occur in the children in adolescence as well, but are more common in those of the younger children. Aggravation of alcoholic parents towards their children is more likely than that of nonalcoholic parents, so that is possibly an aspect of why children tend to become sicker when their parents are alcoholics. Children of all ages try to get attention from their parent or parents when one or both of them are alcoholics. It is natural for the human body to need (or crave) love and attention. Younger children often need more love and attention as their brains develop, learn, and grow. Children cannot likely develop correctly when these needs are ignored. 8-27% of all children are said to have one or both parents that have an alcohol problem (Serec 2012). That means that 8-27% of the child population struggles with these problems and likely feels unwanted or wants attention and approval from their parents. Young children struggle more with attention problems because they have yet to establish a solid foundation or identity for themselves. They need the support from their parents. In order to get attention children will act out in school, get into trouble with the law, or just create trouble in general. They might intentionally fail in classes to get some attention. References Barrera, M., Chassin, L., & Rogosch, F. (1993). Effects of social support and conflict on adolescent children of alcoholic and nonalcoholic fathers. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 64(4), 602-612. Christensen, H. B., & Bilenberg, N. (2000). Behavioural and emotional problems in children of alcoholic mothers and fathers. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 9(3), 219-226. Eiden, R. D., Colder, C., Edwards, E. P., & Leonard, K. E. (2009). A longitudinal study of social competence among children of alcoholic and nonalcoholic parents: Role of parental psychopathology, parental warmth, and self-regulation. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 23(1), 36-46. Eiden, R. D., Molnar, D. S., Colder, C., Edwards, E. P., & Leonard, K. E. (2009). A conceptual model predicting internalizing problems in middle childhood among children of alcoholic and nonalcoholic fathers: The role of marital aggression. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 70(5), 741-750. Puttler, L. I., Zucker, R. A., Fitzgerald, H. E., & Bingham, C. R. (1998). Behavioral outcomes among children of alcoholics during the early and middle childhood years: Familial subtype variations. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 22(9), 1962-1972. Serec, M., Ã…  vab, I., KolÃ… ¡ek, M., Ã…  vab, V., Moesgen, D., & Klein, M. (2012). Health-related lifestyle, physical and mental health in children of alcoholic parents. Drug and Alcohol Review, 31(7), 861-870. Sher, K. J. (2007). Psychological characteristics of children of alcoholics. Alcohol Health & Research World, 21(3), 247. Vernig, P. M. (2011). Family roles in homes with alcohol-dependent parents: An evidence-based review. Substance Use & Misuse, 46(4), 535-542.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Is Profit Maximization Consistent With Wealth Maximization Finance Essay

Is Profit Maximization Consistent With Wealth Maximization Finance Essay The objective of the firm is to make profits by meeting the needs of stakeholders. Generally, ceteris paribus, the objective of the firm is to maximize its ultimate value through profit maximization, while incurring the lowest costs. Basically, the ultimate objective of the firm is to acquire maximum profits and wealth for its shareholders. It is important to note that, the value of the firm is signified by the existing market prices of the corporations common stock market. In this respect, the maximization of the shareholders wealth is enhanced by the acquiring of maximum profits at the lowest level of expenditure. As it has been revealed, there exists a very strong co-relation between profit maximization and wealth maximization, where each of them forms part of the objective of the firm. In this case, the total earnings do not represent the ultimate value of the corporation but the profits accrued from the employed resources. Generally, any firm would be run towards acquirement of high profits which represent its actual wealth for its shareholders (Westerfield 23-75). Firms exist to meet the needs of stakeholders and to provide an efficient way of producing in a non-price environment. Firms exist to meet the needs of the populace in an efficient and a sustainable manner. 2. Is profit maximization consistent with wealth maximization? Why or why not? Profit maximization is not consistent with wealth maximization. It has some drawbacks and cannot be used for effective evaluation on the performance of the firm. On the other hand, wealth maximization, which is also known as the net present worth of a firm can be used to evaluate the performance of the firm. Wealth maximization is seen as more comprehensive and superior than profit maximization. Profit maximization deals with minimizing short term profits and is not forward-looking. Again, the profit maximization objective does not factor in time value of money considerations. Therefore wealth maximization is superior because it is a long term objective and considers the time value of money by discounting cash flows to the present time. Additionally, wealth maximization considers uncertainty by discounting at the required rate of return and considering the other stakeholders of the firm. Profit Maximization Wealth Maximization It is not clear on when the profit is counted as profit whether this should be before or after tax. Another uncertainty involves the long-term or short-term profit. Short term profit can be foregone by avoiding some expenditure but in the long run, these expenditures have to be paid for. Therefore long term profit has to be considered, and not short term profit. Wealth maximization shows the present value of benefits minus the cost of the investment. Profit maximization does not factor in risk. Different projects have different degrees of risk of future earnings. A project with fluctuating earnings is not the same as one with certainty earnings. By not looking at the risk factor of projects, profit maximization cannot be used for the operational objective of the firm. Risk is considered in wealth maximization as the discounted rate used to determine the present value of future cash flows factors in the risk. Lastly, profit maximization does not factor in the time value of money. A dollar spent today is not equivalent to the same dollar spent tomorrow. Cash drawn from a project in different years is considered the same, which is not realistic. Wealth maximization considers the time value of money as the cash drawn from a project in different years are not the same. The discounted rate that determines the present value of future cash flows shows both risk and time. 3. Describe the three main decisions in Corporate Finance The three main decisions in Corporate Finance are: (a) Investment Decision (Allocation) There are two key questions that are looked into when a firm wants to make an investment. What is a good investment? The firm looks at the various investment options in the market, for instance real estate investments or stocks investments. The risk involved and the returns to be gained. Where will the firms resources be invested? Here, it is important that the firm does not put all their resources into one basket. For instance, the firm may decide to invest a certain percentage of their resources in either stocks or real estate. Further, the pattern and the level of investment would be determined in which each investment plan is evaluated on the risks involved together with its ultimate returns expected. It is important to note that, the pattern of investment would still be an important factor to consider since each individual plan of investment would be accompanied with its benefits and risks. (b) Financing Decision Primarily, the financial decision considers where the firm would raise the funds for these investments. Will the firm use the shareholders/owners funds or borrow from the bank? The mix of equity and debt is what is considered in the financing decision. When, where and how to acquire the money to meet the firms needs. In this case, the finance managers ought to decide on the financing strategy of the firm, in which the evaluation of various sources of finance to cater for the running of firms activities would be made. Basically, each source of capital would be evaluated with the level of interests to be paid for the amount of money acquired. Capital Structure Modigliani y Miller (1958) how much should a firm borrow? (c) Dividend Decision The dividend decision is concerned with how much of the firm profits should be given to the shareholders, and how much of it should be reinvested. A dividend policy should be determined. the dividends decision would be made in order to determine the amount of the profits to be ploughed back into the firm depending on the amount of profits made (Westerfield 23-75). Dividend policy Modigliani y Miller (1961) another irrelevance proposition Another finance decision worth mentioning is the liquidity decision, whereby a firm looks at how to manage working capital and its components. 4. What is a hurdle rate? Why is it important? Also known as the cut off rate, the hurdle rate is the minimum expected return a firm will consider in accepting investment decisions. If a firms proposal own internal rate of return, r, is greater than the minimum rate of return, k, then it is acceptable. The r is internal to the project while the k (hurdle rate) is external to the project. The hurdle rate is used to make a decision based on the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) method which takes into account the cash flows occurring at different times and adjusts them according to the time value of money. The hurdle rate is very important as it enhances the planning of the investment patterns and levels since the firm establishes investment patterns which would the highest possible minimum returns. Basically, hurdle rate determines on how to acquire investment capitals as those capital sources with very high interest rates would not be economical to choose. The hurdle rate represents the internal rate of return of any investment since the finance manager would be in a position to decide on various allocation within the firm, on the basis of the hurdle rate set in the firm. 5. What are the main components of a discount rate? The discount rate is the rate at which money values are discounted at various times, within an investment period. Discount rates are comprised of three main components which include the interest rate of money, level of inflation and risk premiums involved. More specifically, the interests rates at which money capital is allocated comprises of the discount rates in any projected investment project. Specifically, the interest rate of money is the return got from delaying consumption. More so, the level of inflation in the country determines the value of money. This is because the level of inflation determines the purchasing power of money, which represents the ultimate value of money. Lastly, risks involved in the investment venture are another important component of the discount rate. Generally, highly risky business ventures would always have high discount rates. In this respect therefore, it would be very important for the finance manager to determine the discount rates to be used i n the calculation of the cash-flows in the business venture (Westerfield 23-75). 6. Define the Efficient Market Hypothesis Efficient market hypothesis is an investment assumption that postulates that, financial markets are efficient in providing information about the market returns from any form of investment. More specifically, in efficient market hypothesis, investors are controlled by the existing market conditions in terms of the financial stability or conditions of the money market. It is important to note that, inflation level and economic conditions of the country determines a lot on the efficiency of the financial information given by the market in terms of money interests and capital returns. In this regard, investors need to evaluate their investment ventures on the basis of the existing conditions or the information got from the financial markets which are considered to be the accurate in providing financial information (Higgins 12-43). 7. Describe the three forms of efficiency The 3 forms of efficiency are the strong-form efficiency, semi-strong efficiency and weak-form efficiency. In the form weak-form efficiency, all the information in the past stock-price fluctuations is totally shown in the present prices. This means that, the information provided is to compare the current price levels with the past prices. The semi-strong form involves the reflection of all publicly available data about the current prices in the market. In this form, there is some information that is withheld among the investors but most of the information is availed to the general public. On the other hand, the strong-form of efficiency in the market reflects all relevant information in the money market, whether withheld or publicly available. Here, the investors have the opportunity to explore in-depth all the trends of the money market in order to make reliable information about their investment (Westerfield 23-75). 8. What is the difference between Technical Analysis and Fundamental Analysis? Technical Analysis Fundamental Analysis Technical analysis is an appraisal strategy in the money market that looks at the price movements in the market in order to establish their security levels for investors to decide on how to choose their investment plans. Fundamental analysis on the other hand refers to the economic factors facing the money market in which each of the statement is presented in financial statements as opposed to technical analysis which uses using charts. Technical analysts usually use information found in charts and graphs to determine the financial worth of the company. Generally, fundamental analysis determines the ultimate value of the company by examining its financial statements like balance sheets and income statements among others. technical analysts use shorter periods of time in their determination of the worth of the company Fundamental analysis involves a log period of time in which the financial worth of the business ought to be devised using subsequent fiscal periods but not one period Information derived from (Higgins 12-43) 9. Do you believe markets are efficient? I believe that markets are not as efficient as economists reveal that they are. The major reason is because various market conditions are controlled by external factors which they have no control over them. In this respect, it would be difficult to determine the efficiency of the market or to predict the conditions of the market on considerations that, these external factors are also controlled by other forces. For instance, markets are often controlled by inflation rates and interest rates which are factors beyond the control of the market itself. On this consideration, it would be very important for any investor to note the unpredictability of the markets in order to make appropriate investments. There is no perfect information in the market. It is on this basis therefore that I believe that markets are not efficient at all (Westerfield 23-75). 10. Efficient Market Hypothesis Which of the following statements are true if the efficient market hypothesis holds? a. It implies that future events can be forecast with perfect accuracy. b. It implies that prices reflect all available information. c. It implies that security prices change for no discernible reason. d. It implies that prices do not fluctuate. If efficient market hypothesis holds, the future events can be forecasted with ease. This is because, all the information concerning stocks in the stock market would be well presented in a more accurate way, to reflect on the subsequent trends expected in the future in the market. In this respect therefore, if the efficient market hypothesis holds, it would enhance easiness in predicting any future trends of investment as the information in the market would be quite reliable. More so, if this hypothesis holds, the information provided would be reflecting all the prices that would be available in the market. This is because; every price presented in the market information would greatly imply a predictive nature of the prices in the future markets. Generally, if the efficient market hypothesis holds, then the above two statements would be true (Higgins 12-43).

Monday, August 19, 2019

Independent Discovery :: Personal Narratives Australia Essays

Independent Discovery I stared out the plane window and saw an endless sea reaching a mottled sky. The airplane whisked away into the night as another tear rolled down my cheek. Only moments ago, I had waved a final farewell to my family out of the double paned window. Now I was alone and on my own. It was the first time I had ever been truly alone: no friends or family to fall back on if trouble arose, and no authority to follow or make decisions for me. I was on my way to Australia for a six week student exchange program where I would turn my feelings of dependence into a newfound independence. This was my chance to show the world and myself that I could behave self sufficiently. I arrived at the Sidney international airport after a sixteen hour flight across the Pacific Ocean. As the plane pulled into the loading area, I felt an overwhelming sensation of lonely isolation intensified by lack of sleep and jet lag. I found my way to the baggage claim and made it through customs. I had ninety minutes to spare until my next plane left for Brisbane, Queensland. No sweat! That was ample amount of time to find my next terminal and check in my luggage. I bought myself a â€Å"soft drink†, visited the â€Å"toilets† (I just had to witness this reverse swirl phenomenon) and made my way down to the terminal transfer bus depot. A few minutes later, my specified bus arrived and picked me up. After about forty-five minutes of watching signs and different people, I started to get worried. Had I missed my stop? Was I on the right bus? I only had fifteen minutes until my flight left! What if I got lost in a strange city half way around the world! ?! Here was my first test of autonomy. I took a cooling breath and calmly asked the bus driver where my terminal was. Luckily, it was the next stop after passing it twice. I checked in at the gate and boarded the airplane. Brisbane was a beautiful city with a clock tower in Central Square.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Witchcraft in the Ibibio Tribe Essay -- Religion

Witchcraft has become a phenomenon in the last few years, launching TV shows and movies onto the screens of televisions and cinemas. It has become an inspirational topic for writers to launch their next book. But, as entertaining as witchcraft maybe to us, it is feared by the Ibibio tribe of Nigeria. This paper will focus on how the Ibibio tribe detected, prevented witchcraft and the massive anti-witch hunt that took place all around Africa. Also, this paper will analyze presumptive causes that could have led to a witchcraft outbreak in the Ibibio. Nigeria has had its share of outbreaks but, out of all of them the most unique must have been the witchcraft outbreak that plagued all of Nigeria and the rest of Africa. The Ibibio tribe of Nigeria in the seventeenth century, where about two million people that were mostly â€Å"agrarians† or â€Å"petty traders†, according to Daniel Offiong, researcher and author of â€Å"Social Relations and Witchcraft Beliefs Among the Ibibio† and â€Å"Witchcraft Among the Ibibio of Nigeria†. The tribe was mainly Christian with a few Muslims (Offiong, 1983, pg. 73). They believed in one god and the Holy Ghost, but when they had to deal with an affliction, they went to diviners or spiritualists for treatment (Offiong, 1983, pg. 73-74). When they were plagued with a problem, their main reaction was to blame the problem on witchcraft with no logical explanation behind it. The existence of witchcraft started in Nigeria, due to the continuous process of blaming witchcraft f or unexplainable problems. Once witchcraft became the cause of the unexplained problem, people started accusing each other of being witches. Research conducted by Daniel A. Offiong, suggests that the people who were more prone to be accused of witchcr... ... used and the anti-witchcraft crusade that took place. It also went into the social elements that may have played a part in the outbreak of witchcraft in this tribe. Works Cited Shaman. (2011, 1 11). Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia. Marwick, M. G. (1952). The Social Context of Cewa Witch Beliefs. Cambridge University Press, 120-135. Offiong, D. (1983). Social Relations and Witch Beliefs among the Ibibio. Cambridge University Press, 73-82. Offiong, D. A. (1983). Witchcraft Among the Ibibio of Nigeria. African Studies Association, 107-124. Offiong, D. A. (1999). Traditional Healers in the Nigerian Health Care System and the Debate Over Integrating Traditional and Scientific Medicine. Anthropological Quarterly, 118-130. William A. Haviland, H. E. (2008). Cultural Anthropology: The Human Challege. Belmont: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Identity, image, and reputation: an interdisciplinary framework and suggested terminology Essay

Building a vibrant and positive corporate reputation is the endeavor of every company, whether it is large-scale or small-scale. Indeed, the growth and development of the company is edged in its ability to enact feasible mechanisms of enhancing corporate reputation. Both internal and external stakeholders depend on corporate reputation to measure a company’s performance. It is from the corporate reputation that a company can define its fundamental place in the market. Ryanair, an Irish airline company with an expansive European market displays the impact of corporate reputation on the performance of the company. Despite the company’s growth over the years, reputational challenges have rocked its performance in a highly competitive business environment. Customer satisfaction, corporate image and corporate identity have suffered heavily because of its negative corporate reputation. In an effort to bolster its affairs with major stakeholders, Michael O’ Leary, the c ompany’s CEO has sought to find ways of effectively managing the company’s corporate reputation. This report identifies the reputational challenges affecting Ryanair, and recommending corporate communication frameworks of improving customer service, enhancing corporate image and identity, developing positive publicity and building a strong corporate reputation for the company. Managing Corporate Reputation             Today’s business environment is extremely dynamic and competitive in nature; a company’s corporate success depends on a myriad of factors. Among these factors is corporate reputation. A company’s reputation fundamentally defines its performance and jurisdiction in the market place. A company’s internal and external environments play instrumental roles in influencing its corporate reputation’s index. In essence, corporate reputation influences the trends that the company’s stakeholders develop towards it, for instance, it affects customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and employee retention (Chun 2005, p 91). In an age whereby businesses are facing numerous challenges, managing corporate reputation is an imperative business strategy, as it will certainly develop internal and external corporate portfolios to initiate success. Managing corporate reputation entails the deliberate articulation of feasible leadership structures and developing coherent internal and external business environments, which consequently result into quality products and services. Moreover, a robust corporate reputation is significant in establishing a vibrant relationship between a company and its stakeholders. According to corporate reputation theory, managing a company’s corporate reputation requires an integration of the fundamental elements that influence its corporate image and identity. Hence, according to Institute of Directors (1999), a positive corporate reputation is a valuable intangible asset that attracts a large customer base and invites investments from potential shareholders. Ryanair is an Irish airline company that since its inception has continued to influence the European airline industry. Despite its far-reaching influence in the market, Ryanair has corporate reputation issues that affect its corporate ima ge and identity, which has strained its stakeholder relations. Addressing the corporate reputation issues require a revamp of its systems in order to build a strong corporate reputation. 2.0 Application 2.1 Reputational challenges             Since its inception in 1984, Ryanair has experienced commendable growth from being a small airline to one of Europe’s largest airline companies. A pertinent aspect that has enabled Ryanair to have an exponential growth in the industry in its low-cost business model; it currently cuts across 28 European countries. With over 8,500 staff members, Ryanair has certainly been establishing itself as a potential destination for airline customers. Despite its massive expansion, reputational challenges continue to rock the company. Customer satisfaction is on the decline, with customers expressing concerns about its awful services. Inconsiderate treatment of customers has damaged the reputation of the company and jeopardizes its ability to grow. For example, customers on business travels continuously express their concerns because of delays and unprofessional ways of handling customers. Moreover, a communication lapse between Ryanair and its major stakeholders has threatened its corporate reputation. Poor communication services with its customers have resulted into degraded services and negative feedback, thus further damaging the company’s corporate image. Decreased profits precipitated by the prevailing corporate trends in the company have also raised eyebrows among its key stakeholders. The decline in the company’s profit index poses a negative corporate reputation since financial stability is an imperative aspect of defining a business’ success. Thus, the reputational challenges call for necessary interventions in resurfacing the company. 2.2 Current situation             Currently, Ryanair’s major stakeholders are not satisfied with the diminishing corporate reputation of the company. Stakeholders are the parties that contribute in the running of a business; they are the people who influence or are influenced by the decisions of the company. The stakeholder theory gives a framework for identifying the interested parties in the business, as well as how the management should accord value to the parties that influence the running of the business (Phillips 2011 p 25). The stakeholders’ concerns stem from the current stunted growth in the company, and its inability to make further breakthroughs in the market. The company’s diminishing corporate image jeopardizes its potential for growth in a competitive market. In view of the stakeholder theory, Ryanair’s management has failed in its mandate to satisfy customers, who are the major stakeholder. Customer satisfaction is on a decreasing streak. Surveys are constantly showing that Ryanair is trailing behind its major competitors in the industry. This is attributed to the high dissatisfaction levels expressed by its customers, in respect to customer services. Provision of quality services is an impetus to market expansion and a large customer base. The absence of this factor has resulted into poor feedback from the customers. Also, Michael O’ Leary, the CEO of the company has noted that there is a need to break from the historical business models and introduce viable and strategic models that fit in today’s corporate world. The concerns of the external stakeholders including shareholders and customers have contributed to the current position of the airline company’s management. Based on a strategic management model, the management of the company is mandated to readjust its internal and external business environments to meet its objectives. 3.0 The challenge 3.1 Scope of the challenge             The biggest challenge affecting Ryanair is a negative corporate reputation in the airline industry. The negative reputation has virtually affected its corporate image and identity. A company’s corporate image refers to what its external stakeholders see (Chun 2005 p 95). For example, the relationship between a company and its customers defines the way they view it. Conversely, corporate identity, describes the strategic values of a company edged in its vision, mission and philosophy (Chun 2005, p 97). Moreover, due to the company’s poor service delivery to customers, negative publicity has certainly taken shape; hence, affecting its relationship with stakeholders. A critical analysis of the current situations facing Ryanair shows that both the internal and external environments of the company face negative effects from the reputational issues. From a strategic perspective, the reputational challenges that Ryanair faces threaten to put it on the losing end of competitive advantage. Competitive advantage is the ability to win out competition in a highly competitive market (Castellion 2010 p 935). Though it is a low-cost airline, the services it offers are not satisfactory to many of its customers; hence, it stands to lose potential customers to other high quality competitors like British Airways. In addition, from a strategic management perspective, the corporate reputational challenges affecting the company pose threats and increases operational weaknesses, which limit its potential growth in the market. From an organizational perspective, the inability of a company to have viable platforms of controlling its resources exposes it to negative consequences including shrinking its corporate identity portfolio (Fombrun & Riel 2004 p 17). The objectives of a company cannot be realized without adequate organizational management. Ryanair’s short-sightedness in its corporate image is attributed to its inability to manage its resources well. Additionally, the failure of instituting a coherent way of integrating the organizational functions of the company negatively affects its overall performance. 3.2 Impact of reputational issues on the organization and its stakeholders             The reputational issues have far-reaching effects on the organization as well as its stakeholders. The enterprise risks losing its customers to other airline companies because of its inability to provide quality services. Customer satisfaction is an important aspect in meeting the clients’ needs, the major stakeholders in a company (Jacobson & Mizik 2009 p 815-817). Based on the case, the company’s casual way of handling customers has the potential of damaging its corporate image. Moreover, the company’s vision and objectives cannot be met with precision because of its blurred potential to make a breakthrough in the market. Reduced profits reported by the company implies that its financial stability faces a major blow; hence, affecting its operations greatly. Shareholders, who are important stakeholders in the company, will certainly be affected by the reduction of the shares value. The reputational challenges affecting Ryanair pose a huge risk on its market share. Additionally, customers fail to get value for their money, and shift their focus on alternative service providers. Suppliers of pertinent resources to the airline company also face the risk of losing the business relationship because of the heightened loss of corporate image and identity. 4.0 Proposal             Based on the case study, Ryanair, through the leadership of its CEO, Michael O’ Leary should enact feasible communication platforms of intervening in the corporate reputation challenges affecting the company. Enacting viable communication channels with its stakeholders will certainly play an instrumental role in restoring a positive corporate reputation. Thus, improving the company’s customer service, identity and image, restoring positive publicity and developing a strong corporate reputation for the company will require a sound communication portfolio with its major stakeholders. Improving the company’s customer service, identity and image             This will require deliberate efforts from the company’s management. Empowering the staff is vital in improving customer services. Zeithaml, V. (2000) asserts that investing in adequate human resource frameworks that increase the capacity of the staff is considerable in improving customer service relations. Training employees on the most proficient ways of serving customers are instrumental in developing viable communication links. This will consequently improve the company’s relationship with its customers, who are imperative external stakeholders. Of importance still, investing in a highly empowered human resource will enhance the company’s corporate identity by meeting its goals and objectives. Meeting the clients’ needs by availing quality services will greatly help  in establishing a cohesive business relationship. Brown et al. (2005), highlight that a customer’s delight is in receiving value for his money. Through providing quality airline services, the company is certainly communicating its desire to meet the needs of its customers. Indeed, the customers’ satisfaction is a way of expressing a continuous and successful business relationship. Consequently, this will undoubtedly improve the company’s corporate image by meeting the customers’ expectations. Instituting a communication platform among the key stakeholders will be pertinent in addressing the reputational issues of the airline company. Based on the expansive nature of Ryanair, it is significant to have an online and accessible feedback platform whereby the company’s management can communicate with its customers. This will enhance the company’s sensitivity to its customers’ needs and make them their primary concern. This is a practical way of enhancing customer service and building a strong corporate image and identity. Gaining positive publicity             Gaining a positive public image is an important step towards the change that Ryanair needs to implement. Having a positive public image is a major boost in the success of any business (Caruana and Chircop 2000, pp 45-50). Given the large European market that Ryanair operates in, embracing a positive public image will enhance its chances of success. Firstly, the management of the company needs to develop organizational management frameworks that control the resources of the company with utmost proficiency. The management of the company is vital in disseminating a company’s functions to the relevant parties. The management, being a major stakeholder in the company has the obligation of ensuring that the internal environment of the company is articulating management issues vehemently. This calls for the employees to work collaboratively with the management in affecting the external stakeholders positively. The effective business communication grounding between the management and employees will produce results that will precipitate positive publicity for Ryanair. As a result, the considerable organizational management will influence positive publicity by increasing customer confidence. An increase in customer confidence is sufficient in arousing the airline’s public image; hence, gaining positive publicity. Customer confidence in the management portfolio of the company will be crucial in diversifying its market jurisdiction. On the same note, advertising agencies and suppliers who form a key component of the company’s external stakeholders will play a crucial role in improving Ryanair’s positive publicity. With credible communication platforms between the external stakeholders and the company, it is without a doubt that the company will develop a positive publicity. Developing a strong corporate reputation             Developing a strong corporate reputation is a fundamental tool in ensuring that Ryanair remains a reputable airline company in the industry. Indeed, this calls for compelling communication frameworks among the stakeholders of the company. True, the airline industry features as extremely diverse; hence, the need for investing in the best publicity platforms. Spreading information is an aspect of publicity that should be implemented with ease in order for the company to increase its chances of success. Information about structural changes in the airline industry should be communicated in the best way possible for the purpose of initiating viable communication structures between the internal and external stakeholders. Thus, initiating feasible publicity frameworks is a credible way of surfacing a strong corporate reputation by improving communication among the key stakeholders in Ryanair airlines. Crisis control in the company is a pertinent aspect in securing a strong corporate reputation in the company. The management of the company should set up platforms for ensuring that crisis management is articulated vehemently. Chun and Davies (2006) point out that the crisis management is imperative in any ambitious company because risks are inevitable in the global market. In this respect, reputational risk management for Ryanair is an integral base in the staging of a strong corporate reputation. Through amicable communication platforms, the internal stakeholders of the company have the capacity to address the reputational issues affecting it. It is necessary to bring together the functions of the management and employees with the expectations of the external stakeholders. This creates a cordial business relation that undoubtedly builds a strong corporate reputation. In essence, in order to enhance the company’s reputational competence, there is a need for the diverse stakeholders to work together in tandem. 5.0 Conclusion             In conclusion, it is evidently clear that managing corporate reputation is an important function of any ambitious company. In the case of Ryanair airlines, its expansive market calls for feasible communication strategies to secure a solid corporate reputation portfolio. The success of the company fundamentally depends on its ability to initiate practical corporate reputation strategies. Training employees, providing quality services and securing effective communication platforms will certainly enhance customer satisfaction and build the company’s identity and image. Thus, this calls for prioritizing the needs of the customers and making them principal stakeholders. Additionally, the need for a credible publicity is significant in the growth expansion of the company’s positive publicity. Lastly, building a strong corporate reputation requires the collaborative actions of all major stakeholders. References Brown, T.J., Dacin, P.A., Pratt, M.G. and Whetten, D.A. (2005). Identity, image, and reputation: an interdisciplinary framework and suggested terminology. Paper presented at the Academy of Marketing Science Conference, Tampa, FL. Chun, R. (2005). Corporate reputation: Meaning and measurement. International Journal of Management Reviews Volume 7 Issue 2 pp. 91–109. Caruana, A. and Chircop, S. (2000). Measuring corporate reputation: a case example. Corporate Reputation Review, 3(1), 43–57. Chun, R. and Davies, G. (2006). The influence of corporate character on customers and employees: exploring similarities and differences. Journal of Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS), 34(2) Castellion, G. (2010). The Design of Business: Why Design Thinking Is the Next Competitive Advantage by Roger Martin and Design-Driven Innovation: Changing the Rules of Competition by Radically Innovating What Things Mean by Roberto Verganti. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 27(6), 931-935.Fombrun, C. J., & Riel, C. B. (2004). Fame & fortune how successful companies build winning reputations. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.Institute of Directors (IOD) (1999). Reputation Management: Strategies for Protecting Companies, their Brands and their Directors. London: Director Publications (Director’s Guide Series). Jacobson, R., & Mizik, N. (2009). The Financial Markets and Customer Satisfaction: Reexamining Possible Financial Market Mispricing of Customer Satisfaction. Marketing Science, 28(5), 810-819.Phillips, R. (2011). Stakeholder theory. Cheltenham, Elgar.Zeithaml, V. (2000). Service quality, profitability, and the economic worth of customers: what we know and what we need to learn. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 28(1), 67–85. Source document

An Epic Story: Sundiata Essay

What makes a story truly epic? Is it the qualities of the characters within the story? Is it the story itself? Is it the sense of destiny or Fate that the story creates for the reader? Is it the way said story is written? Whether a story requires only one or all of these characteristics, the book â€Å"Sundiata and Epic of Old Mali† is a truly epic tale. The story tells the life of a great king in Mali named Maghan Sundiata. Born to an unfortunate looking mother, he is slow and weak at the beginning of life. Sundiata doesn’t start walking until he is seven years old but once he stands he stands tall. He is a natural leader and has all the qualities of a paragon protagonist. He is smart, kind, merciful, and fair as well as strong, willful, powerful and skilled. Choosing exile from his home city, and rightful throne, in order to protect his sisters he finds himself in a position of leadership in another city. After he leaves Mali it is invaded by and evil king showing all the characteristics of and epic antagonist. King Soumaoro Kante is narcissistic, cruel, petty, sadistic and ruthless as well as smart, powerful and most of all cowardly. They are joined in battle twice; both times the victory is Sudiata’s and both times Soumaoro Kante runs away. Soumaoro’s city is sacked and he is left powerless while Sundiata not only wins his kingdom back but also gains many allies and friends because of his truly good personality. If a story is made epic by its characters than surely the perfect paragon of Sundiata and the extreme evil of Soumaoro are epic enough to fulfill and epic requirement. If one judges an epic by the story being told than â€Å"Sundiata an Epic Tale of Old Mali† is also a worthy candidate for an epic tale. Starting from the weakest in the city and becoming the strongest in the Kingdom, Sundiata’s life in itself is epic enough. The story is told through the point of view of a griot named Mamadou Kouyate. A griot is many things in the society of Mali and thr oughout much of Africa. He is an Historian, an advisor, a mediator, an entertainer but most of all he is the culture of an entire society of people. Understanding the culture of the society in which this story comes, one would, without question, consider the griot Mamadou Kouyate on par with the likes of Homer and the author(s) of Beowulf. This is possibly partially because of his perspective but definitely because of his beautiful use of  the marvelous in order to beautify the story and make it personal to the reader or listener. The way the story is told enraptures an audience like any true epic should. Within all great epics there is an obvious theme of someone’s destiny. Sundiata is given a destiny at a young age, as predicted by a seer before his birth, and fulfills it with purity of heart. He faces many trials and tribulations along the way but never once does he give into darkness. Never once does he give up and decide he’s done enough. Not until all his people are freed, all debts are paid, and his kingdom is returned does the story end. This is a clear and perfect example of the sense of fate one requires of our epic heroes. Of all the traits of â€Å"Sundiata†¦Ã¢â‚¬  the characteristic that most earns it its epic status is the battle of good versus evil and the triumph of good. Not to be misunderstood with a novel tale of mediocre light and dark, the battle in this story speaks to the deepest depths of darkness and to the purest picture of paragon.